Memeloper's Blog
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Reducing the size of Docker images
Images for Docker containers can be really heavy. You can significantly reduce their size by using these simple tricks. -
Why you should write documentation?
Writing documentation is one of the most important elements of a programmer's work. There are several reasons why you should do it. -
Should developers fear low-code and no-code?
There is an opinion that in the future no-code or low-code will drastically change the software industry. Is there really anything to worry about? -
How to remove "npm fund" message
A guide on how to permanently remove the "npm fund" message from your terminal. -
Open Source makes us lazy
As programmers, we use a lot of open source libraries, frameworks, and other tools every day. This makes us a bit lazy and we write low-quality code. -
Rules of building a REST API
13 rules that I always follow when designing REST APIs. Such APIs are a clean, readable way of communicating between services with clearly defined rules. -
Programmer, be lazy!
Laziness is one of the most important things for a programmer. You should learn it as soon as possible. -
How to make jQuery faster
6 proven tips on how to achieve the maximum speed of jQuery applications. -
Grunt.js and automation of work
How Grunt.js can help developers automate the same tedious tasks. -
4 most common JavaScript bugs
Let's look at some reasons why it's quite easy for even an experienced developer to make mistake when writing JavaScript code. -
jQuery Deferred and Promise objects
How Deferred and Promise objects in jQuery can help with AJAX calls. -
Shits in console.log()
A short post about the console.log() function and how some programmers use it. -
JavaScript: toString() vs valueOf()
What is the real difference between toString() and valueOf() methods? And when will JavaScript use one method and when the other?